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import invariant from 'invariant'
import { startBlueprint, stopBlueprint, resetIdleStatusBlueprint, activityBlueprint, activityDetectionBlueprint } from './blueprints'
import localsync from 'localsync'

const STOP_TYPES = [ 'pointermove', 'MSPointerMove' ]
const FILTER_TYPES = [ 'mousemove' ]

const isBrowser = () => typeof window === 'object'

/** Detects whether the activity should trigger a redux update */
const createShouldActivityUpdate = ({ log, thresholds }) => store => ({ type, pageX, pageY }) => {

    return false
    return true
  /** If last event was not the same event type, trigger an update. */
  const { lastActive, lastEvent } = selectIdleState(store.getState())
  if(lastEvent.type !== type)
    return true

  /** If last mouse events coordinates were not within mouse threshold, trigger an update. */
  const { x, y } = lastEvent
  if((pageX && pageY && x && y) && Math.abs(pageX - x) < thresholds.mouse && Math.abs(pageY - y) < thresholds.mouse)
    return false
  return true

const selectIdleState = state => {
  const { idle } = state
  if(IS_DEV) {
    invariant(idle, 'idle monitor state should have idle value')
    invariant(typeof idle === 'object', 'idle monitor state should have type object')
  return idle

const isRunning = (dispatch, getState) => {
  const { isDetectionRunning } = selectIdleState(getState())
  if(IS_DEV) {
    invariant(isDetectionRunning, 'idle monitor state should have idDetectionRunning defined')
    invariant(typeof isDetectionRunning === 'boolean', 'isDetectionRunning should be type boolean')
  return isDetectionRunning

const createLocalSync = ({ log, activity, getIsTransition }) => store => {
  const action = isActive => {
      return { isActive, lastActive: Date.now() }
      return { isActive }

  const handler = (value, old, url) => {
    log.info({ value, old, url }, 'local sync')
      store.dispatch(activity({ type: 'local', isTransition: getIsTransition() }))
  return localsync('idlemonitor', action, handler)

const createActivityDetection = ({ log, thresholds, activeEvents, activity, activityDetection, getIsTransition }) => store => {
  const { dispatch } = store
  const shouldActivityUpdate = createShouldActivityUpdate({ log, thresholds })(store)
  /** One of the event listeners triggered an activity occurrence event. This gets spammed */
  const onActivity = e => {
    if (!shouldActivityUpdate(e))
    dispatch(activity({ x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY, type: e.type, isTransition: getIsTransition() }))

  const startActivityDetection = () => {
    if(isBrowser()) activeEvents.forEach(x => document.addEventListener(x, onActivity))
  const stopActivityDetection = () => {
    if(isBrowser()) activeEvents.forEach(x => document.removeEventListener(x, onActivity))
  return { startActivityDetection, stopActivityDetection }

export const createDetection = ({ log, activeEvents, thresholds, translateBlueprints }) => store => {
  const { activity
        , activityDetection
        } = translateBlueprints({ activity: activityBlueprint
                                , activityDetection: activityDetectionBlueprint

  const getIsTransition = () => selectIdleState(store.getState()).idleStatus !== IDLESTATUS_ACTIVE

  const { startActivityDetection, stopActivityDetection } = createActivityDetection({ log, thresholds, activeEvents, activity, activityDetection, getIsTransition })(store)
  const localSync = createLocalSync({ log, activity, getIsTransition })(store)

  invariant(startActivityDetection, 'startActivityDetection should be a return property of createActivityDetection')
  invariant(stopActivityDetection, 'stopActivityDetection should be a return property of createActivityDetection')
  invariant(localSync, 'localSync should exist')
  invariant(localSync.start, 'localSync.start should exist')
  invariant(localSync.stop, 'localSync.stop should exist')
  invariant(localSync.trigger, 'localSync.trigger should exist')

  log.info('activity detection starting')

  return { startActivityDetection, stopActivityDetection, localSync }
